Process Heat Transfer - DQ Kern

This book is designed to provide fundamental instruction in heat transfer while employing the methods and language of industry.
Key Features:

Provides the rounded group of heat-transfer tools required in process engineering it has been necessary to present a number of empirical calculation methods which have not previously appeared in the engineering literature.
Considerable throught has been given to these methods, and the author has discussed them with numerious engineers before accepting and including them in the text.
About the Author:

DONALD Q.KERAN D.Q. Kern Associate and He is a Professorial Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Case Insitiue of Technology.

Table of Content:

Index to the Principal Apparatus Calculations
Chapter 1 Process Heat Transfer
Chapter 2 Conduction
Chapter 3 Convection
Chapter 4 Radiation
Chapter 5 Temperature
Chapter 6 Counterflow: Double-pipe Exchangers
Chapter 7 1-2 Parallel-Counterflow: Shell-And-Tube Exchangers
Chapter 8 Flow Arrangeements for Increased Heat Recovery
Chapter 9 Gases
Chapter 10 Streamline Flow and Free Convection
Chapter 11 Calculations for Process Condition
Chapter 12 Condensation of Single Vapors
Chapter 13 Condensation of Mixed Vapors
Chapter 14 Evaporation
Chapter 15 Vaporizers, Evaporators, and Reboilers
Chapter 16 Extended Surfaces
Chapter 17 Direct-Contact Transfer: Cooling Towers
Chapter 18 Batch and Unsteady State Processes
Chapter 19 Furnace Calculations
Chapter 20 Additional Applications
Chapter 21 The Control of Temperature and Related Process Variables
Appendix of Calculation Data
Author Index
Subject Index

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