What is BOD and COD?

The life of microorganisms, such as fish and other aquatic animals, can not be separated from the dissolved oxygen content in water, no different from humans and other living things on the ground, which also requires oxygen from the air in order to stay viable. Water that does not contain oxygen can not give life to the micro-organisms, fish and other aquatic animals. Dissolved oxygen in water is vital for life. To fulfill her life, humans are not only dependent on food from the mainland only (rice, wheat, vegetables, fruit, meat, etc.), but also depends on the food that comes from water (fish, shellfish, squid, seaweed , etc.).

Existing plants in the water, with the help of sunlight, do photosynthesis that produces oxygen. Oxygen resulting from photosynthesis is going to dissolve in the water. Apart from that, oxygen in the air can also enter the water through a process of slow diffusion yag through the water surface. Concentration of dissolved oxygen in water depends on water saturation level itself. Water saturation can be caused by colloidal floating in the water by the amount of waste solvents dissolved in the water. Apart from that the water temperature also affects the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. Air pressure can also affect the solubility of oxygen in the water. Air pressure can also affect the solubility of oxygen in the water because the air pressure affect the speed of diffusion of oxygen from the air into the water.

Industrial and technological progress often also affect the state of water environment, both river water, sea water, lake water and ground water. This impact caused by the existence of water pollution caused by various things like that have been outlined in advance. One way to assess how much water has been contaminated environment is to look at the dissolved oxygen content in the water.

In general, the water is polluted environments very low oxygen content. That is because the oxygen dissolved in the water is absorbed by microorganisms to break down / degrade the organic waste so that the volatile material (which is marked with the stench). Furthermore, organic waste materials can also react with oxygen dissolved in the organic water in the water, the less the rest of the dissolved oxygen content in it. Organic waste is usually derived from paper industries, leather tanning industry, food processing industries (such as meat cutting industry, canning industry, freezing shrimp industry, the bread industry, dairy industry, cheese and butter industry), waste household waste, material agricultural waste, animal waste and human excrement, and so forth.

By looking at the dissolved oxygen content in water can be determined how far the level of environmental contamination has occurred. Way in which for the purpose is to test:

1. COD, chemical oxygen stands Demand, or chemical oxygen demand for oxidation of waste materials in the water.
2. BOD stands for Biological Oxygen Demand, or the biological oxygen demand to break up waste materials in the water by microorganisms.

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