Anion exchanger resin

Ion exchange resins can be used in the separation method or concentration by using redemption equality. Ion exchange resin is an organic high polymer containing ionic functional group, resin, there is generally a polymer granules with various sizes. These pellets are placed in a glass tube long enough to produce the ion exchange column in which ions will happen leveling process.

resin manufacture is a way to enter that in the ionisation cluster into the organic polymer matrix, the most common is polystyrene which acts as adsorbent.

solution through a column called influent, while the solution is out of the column is called effluent. The process is the exchange resin absorption and returns that have been used to shape called regeneration. While spending the ions from the column with the appropriate reagent called elusi. total exchange capacity is the number of cluster-cluster that can be exchanged within the column is expressed in milleknalen, breakthrough capacity is defined as the number of ions that can be taken by the column on the separation conditions.

Elusi analysis has many benefits, for example all the ions are separated leaving the column as factions separate. Elusi process consists of two, the first is the fraction with some eluen and the second is still mengelusi active ions.

anionik resin is a substance that can replace menukaratau anions existing in the surrounding medium. Resin-resin (synthetic) can be derived from solid polymers that bind tightly in a cross with a large molecular weight can come from certain organic substances such as phenol and sterina associated with a particular group can be ionized and alkaline, such as amine or phenol groups or kuartener aluminum is added to the resin polifeniletana stable.

The basic principle is the anion exchange resin can trade for other anion anion hidroksiloleh happened to the ion exchange resin. There are two types of anion exchange resin having strongly basic groups (kuartener ammonium groups) and the resin which has a weak base group (cluster anions).

Surface of a strong base can be used over a pH range of 0 to 12, while the weak base resin exchanger only above a pH range of 0 to 9. Weak base exchanger groups will not let go of a very weak acid, but is preferred for strong acids that may be restrained by a strong base resin like sulfanol.

Ion exchange process is a process of competition between solut ions contained in ion phase with opponent cars are attached to the functional group on the matrix of opposite charge. This means that the solut ion should be able to replace one or more ions are bound by the opponent stationer phase (matrix). When we have exchange positively charged ions or cation exchanger that has bound ions in the phase opposite the car present in the solut ion ion exchange process can act.

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