Liquid propellants?

All the fuel that can drive called propellant rockets. Propellant is generally classified into 3 types, namely:

  1. Solid propellant
  2. Liquid propellant
  3. Propellant hybrid

Each type of propellant on the advantages and disadvantages of each. However, for the current development, liquid propellant is more commonly used in the field of space.

Examples of liquid propellant please see here

So how rockets can fly into space?

Just like a conventional engine, a rocket of energy use arising from the oxidation reaction of fuel with the oxidant. Only the pressure of fuel in a rocket engine could reach more than 300 psi. Meanwhile, the air pressure outside the engine about 1 atm, sometimes even a vacuum.

Because there is this pressure difference results of the combustion gas velocity changes from slow to very fast. Changes in velocity than occurs because the pressure difference, as well as the results of the combustion gases flowing through the throat of diameter 4 times smaller than the diameter of the engine.

In accordance with the continuity equation, because the flow remains, while the narrower area, then the velocity changes.

Change in velocity per unit of time equal to the acceleration. After the laws of classical physics of Newton, the acceleration will result in the emergence of force (force). The force that drives this arise so that the rocket could be launched.

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